Episode 29: A Friend of the Family
July 1, 2021A light walks before darkness falls.
CW: Gore, murder, mutilation, frank discussion of historical racism, assault, references to lynching, references to death of a spouse, hornets, description of anyphylactic shock/death, descriptions of the desecration of dead bodies and cult activities.
Written by Cam Collins & Steve Shell
Narrated by Steve Shell
Sound design by Steve Shell
Directed by Steve Shell
Produced by Cam Collins and Steve Shell
Additional character voices by Stephanie Hickling Beckman, Shasparay Irvin, Cam Collins, and Special Guest Dr. Ray Christian
Cultural sensitivity consultation by D.J. Rogers and Kataalyst Alcindor
Intro Music: “The Land Unknown (The Hollow Heart Verses)” written and performed by Landon Blood
Outro Music: “I Cannot Escape The Darkness” by Those Poor Bastards